WLUML joins the feminist call for urgent action for Sudan

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Women Living Under Muslim Laws is joining the feminist call for urgent action for Sudan. This letter is drafted by WHRDMENA Coalition, SUWRA and ISHR.

The final date to sign is June 12th, 2024, 3pm EST.


We urge the UN Security Council to take prompt measures to:

– Urge the warring parties to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law

– Protect civilians and protect women and girls under the UNSC Resolution 1325 specifically addressing women’s human rights in conflict and create a monitoring and reporting mechanisms on the widespread conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) in the Sudan war

– Create a mechanism to guarantee immediate and unconditional access for humanitarian aid across fighting lines and borders

– Create safe corridors for humanitarian aid organizations and groups, ensure the ability of humanitarian relief groups and organizations to operate safely and provide the direly needed support for the Sudanese people, especially women and children

– Immediately restore telecommunications across the country

– Ensure that accountability is guaranteed against warring parties, namely both SAF and RSF, for the war crimes committed and genocide perpetrated against certain tribes in Darfur during this brutal and indiscriminate war

– Extend the arms embargo on Darfur to all of Sudan and create effective monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the embargo

– Refer the situation to the International Criminal Court (ICC) so that the ICC’s jurisdiction is extended to include all conflict areas in Sudan where war crimes and crimes against humanity were allegedly committed.
